“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”   Psalm 82:3-4

What is LIFE Center?

Wabash Life Center is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization serving Wabash County and surrounding areas. We are not a government agency. Therefore, we do not receive state or federal funding. All of our services are made possible through the generous donations of individuals, churches, and organizations who care about helping women and families.

The confidential consulting given at Life Center is based on scientific and Biblical principles. It is our hope that our clients will be comforted and strengthened through the love and resources they receive at our center.

Our Philosophy

We acknowledge the scientific truth that each individual is indeed a human person of absolute value from the moment of fertilization to natural death.

Our Mission statement

Empowering individuals with truth that Life Is For Everyone, born and unborn.

Our Vision

We wish to reach women and their families through education, consulting, and mentoring. By offering compassionate care, Life Center will become the lifeline women and their unborn babies need to survive and thrive during this difficult journey. The core services we offer are:

Pregnancy Support
Post-Pregnancy Support
Abstinence education
post-abortion support recovery


We provide these and other services so that all may have:

respect for all human life

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity!