“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”                                                                      Jeremiah 1:5

Our goal

At Wabash Life Center, we make ourselves available at every stage of a woman’s sexuality. Our ultimate goal is to reach young girls before they become sexually active. While online images, movies, and advertisements promote their sexual value, the world tells them to fight for equality in jobs and pay. It is a confusing message at best.

Young girls need to understand and accept their worth in God. Although their earthly father may not have given them the support they needed, their Heavenly Father always will. Through science and Biblical-based education, we show them the amazing miracle they are. With compassion, we mentor them through the fear of an unplanned pregnancy, and in time, lovingly counsel them through the pain of a past abortion.

our Free services

  • Confidential Pregnancy Testing
  • Limited Ultrasounds
  • Abortion Education
  • Options Consulting, Including Parenting and Adoption
  • Education on STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections), and Referrals for Testing
  • Pregnancy Education and Support
  • Post-Pregnancy Support
  • Parenting Support Through Our Earn While You Learn Program
  • Baby Boutique Which Offers Clothing, Diapers, Formula and So Much More
  • Abortion-Recovery Consulting
  • Mentoring program

Life Center specializes in unplanned or crisis pregnancy solutions. Our loving staff will never judge, condemn or lecture. We offer a safe place for a woman to process her situation, learn her options, and confidentially share what ’s on her mind. Through respect, we hope to change hearts and save lives.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity!